
nickv avatar image
nickv asked

Quattro 15kVA firmware (502) update causes unexpected use of batteries

Tempted by the generator LOM settings improvements, I recently updated the firmware on my Quattro 15KVA from version 491 to 502. This did enable me to charge the batteries using the 8KVA petrol generator (though not pass-through any power but that's another topic). However I've noticed that sometimes the system will switch to batteries instead of grid during ESS scheduled charging times. I thought it was just while my 2kW plug in car charger was running but it also happened on another occasion when a washing machine cycle ran at the same time as a dishwasher. The total load on the system is well below the AC-in current limit and these scenarios were not a problem before the firmware update. I expect the UK grid code amendment 8 has had to make the system protect the grid more than before.
I was considering changing the grid code fine grained settings or just giving up and backtracking the firmware version to avoid wasting energy bouncing the batteries up and down, but thought I'd ask if anyone had a similar problem with hope of a fix in a future firmware update or a configuration solution?

Apart from the Quattro 15KVA, I have the following setup:
Everything running on the critical loads output
10 x Pylontech US5000 lithium ion batters ~= 48kWh capacity
Cerbo GX
Fronius Primo 3.6 kW with 2.76 kW (standardized) peak output panels on AC-out
Victron SmartSolar MPPT VE.Can 250/85 rev 2 with 4.36 kW (standardized) peak output panels
Victron SmartSolar Charger MPPT 250/60 rev 2 with 1.84 kW (standardized) peak output panels
ET112 AC meter on AC-in from the grid
ET112 AC meter on AC-out from the Quattro

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Chargerfirmware updatelom
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2 Answers
nickv avatar image
nickv answered ·

This update is for my own reference, anyone else experiencing a similar problem and Victron to consider for future firmware improvements. I'd be happy to assist in testing any potential fixes.

After testing my scenario with firmware versions going backwards from 502, I found that the problem was introduced in 498 for the following changes:

August 24, 2022

  • Update UK gridcode (G98/1 Amendment 6, G99/1 Amendment 8)

This seems to make the system protect the grid from even standard household larger loads such as a washing machine. It's particularly disruptive for charging my car with the provided low-power charger on the cheap rate night time electricity.

I don't think there is a setting available in VE Configure to enable me to keep up with new versions of firmware due to the change above so I have had to revert to the version before that, 497, until a fix is available in the future (hopefully).

The only other contributing factor I can think of that may be more specific to my case is that my house grid supply is the last one at the end of a fairly long overhead supply. We're on the last winding so sometimes see voltages up to 245 when loads are low and down to 215 when importing 12kW to charge the house batteries. This slightly untrustworthy grid supply is one of the reasons for chosing the Victron core products and building the entire setup for resilience, so it is dissapointing to see firmware updates degrade critical functionality.

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nickv avatar image nickv commented ·
Eventually I found that the same problem occurred with the 497 firmware too so perhaps an assistant update causes it instead. Luckily I found that setting this to match my target SOC prevents the system from needlessly pumping energy in and out of the batteries: ESS->Minimum SOC (unless grid fails)
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anthony avatar image
anthony answered ·

After the FW upgrade, did you reload the VE Configure file to the Quattro and also reload the ESS Assistant?

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nickv avatar image nickv commented ·

Thanks for the suggestion anthony. Yes, I did and I checked that all of the other settings were still correct too.

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