In one of the cottages at our allotment park, a lead-acid battery has exploded. Fortunately, there were no injuries, only material damage.
I examined the installation but initially couldn't find a cause. The installation consisted of two solar panels, a Victron charger, and two flooded acid batteries. Below are the specifications of all components:
Solar panels - 2 pieces connected in series:
Pmax 370 W
Maximum Power Voltage 35.2 V
Short Circuit Current 11.5 A
Maximum Power Current 10.52
Batteries - 2 pieces:
Flooded acid 12V 240 Ah
Victron MPPT 100/30 switch position 0
I connected the charger to another installation and measured a voltage of 15.2 V during bulk charging. At this voltage explosive oxyhydrogen is formed.
Is my conclusion correct that the Victron MPPT 100/30 only is suitable for charging flooded acid batteries if the maximum bulk charging voltage is set lower?