
vanchitect avatar image
vanchitect asked

Parallel Orion Tr Smart Chargers - Wire & Breaker Size?

What are the Wire & Breaker sizes for two Orion TR Smart 12/24-15A Chargers connected in parallel; see diagram below with questions. (The Single Charger at the top, is based on information provided in the Manual.) Note: CCP2 is a Customer Connection Point on the Ford Transit.


orion-tr smartorion dc-dc
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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Between starter and first busbar you have double the current of the single Orion example, so double the breaker sizes/wire guage (60A)

Between the busbars you are back to same wiring loads as the single installation, so as per manual.

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vanchitect avatar image vanchitect commented ·

After I posted the question...I was thinking that's what it would be. Thanks for the response.

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