
greglinjett avatar image
greglinjett asked

Victron Orion TR Smart DC-DC,

I am going back and forth on the best way to connect my two battery solution onboard.... I have a "drop-in" 200ah LiLead LIFEPO4 and a standard lead "start battery", I want to protect my generator from overheating and also want to try to reuse my existing 230V charger and MPPT solar charger. Does anyone know if it is possible to wire so that all the "chargers" (ie the motors alternator, the 230V mains charger, and the MPPT Solar controller) are on the input side of a Victron Orion TR Smart DC-DC, so that the LIFEPO4 is only on the output side and getting fed with "lithium friendly" electrons? Would be great if it works.. but maybe i am missing something.... Thanks in advance *Greg

orion dc-dc
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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


The inverter is lithium friendly. It is ac to and controls its output based on a charge algorithm.

The mppt is also designed to go direct to battery not to another device.

The orion is dc to dc. It also controls its out put. And each regulate themselves. The orion is not designed to regulate a charge from a multiplus or other victron inverter.

Just connect everything on a bus bar on the dc side, like the lynx ones and then connect the battery bank to that.

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greglinjett avatar image greglinjett commented ·

Thanks Alexandra, i didnt really get all of it, but i guess the main point is that i probably shouldnt have the 230v "lead" charger and the MPPT feeding into the input side of a Victron Orion TR Smart DC-DC... or...

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Robert avatar image
Robert answered ·

Hello, to prevent your alternator from overheating there are two realistic options.

Smaller DC/DC Charger

Or Temperature controlled DC/DC Charger with variable current in depending alternator temperature.

Best regards Robert

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greglinjett avatar image greglinjett commented ·
Thanks Robert, Sounds interesting... I like the idea! Does Victron have a suitable product that can do that?
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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ greglinjett commented ·
Balmar and Wakespeed 500 are mentioned a lot here. There's a Victron video on YouTube where they demonstrate using the balmar.

But what you haven't told us is if you want all chargers to charge both batteries. There are ways, using a couple of Orions.

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Robert avatar image Robert greglinjett commented ·
Hello, i ask my dealer so many times for that.

But victron doesn't have a product like this.

Victron have a Orion and the old Buckboost.

A small German Company build a modern Buckboost.

It called LBS 60 from WCS.

You can't compare this with the Orion (in my opinion is the Orion a "stupid" cabinet heater)

And yes, I have three Orion in use. But only for low applications.

Best regards Robert

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