
Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL asked

SOLVED ET 340 shows only single phase not multiphase


having a problem with a ET 340 configured as grid meter, i can not select multiphase, its on single phase and can not be changed in remote console

i do however installed correctly, its in between the grid and AC in 1 connections off an three phase multiplus ESS system

it has been used before in this system as single phase (installation expanded from single to 3 phase) and seems to me somewhere in the GX its data (serial number) is in memory, as soon as i connected it, it shows up with its former name...

tried everything all ready, changing modbus adress in CG software, exchanged usb/rs 485 cable (victron), tried all settings on this meter in VRM

anyone ever had this issue?? or knows how to resolve it...

i know you could erase it from memory in settings.xml, but i cant do that sort of programming...

Energy Meter
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2 Answers
castijn avatar image
castijn answered ·

May be a solution....

Remove the energy meter in VRM portal. In Cerbo the corect settings (total of 3 phases).

And ad the ET340 in VRM again.

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Duivert NL avatar image Duivert NL commented ·

Tried that … didnt help, thank you for your help

I think i can only solve it with a total factory reset, maybe someone feom victron can confirm that?

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Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

well... factory reset of the GX device (multiplus 2 GX) resolved the issue

apparently thats also the only way to easy remove "old" energy meters

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