
jjr avatar image
jjr asked

Trickle Charging with Solar - Orion


A newbie question - please excuse my complete ignorance...

I have just bought a VW campervan with an Orion Smart unit installed. I want to trickle charge the battery via a solar panel (AA 4.8W model) but when I do so the app tells me that charging is disabled - either due to "engine shutdown detected" or due to “input voltage lockout". I suspect that it has something to do with the values/settings entered but can find no advice online as to what they should be. I am also wary of changing them in case it damages the system.

My work oftentimes me away from home for two to three weeks and I want to be able to trickle charge the battery during these times.

Any advice?

orion-tr smart
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4 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Assuming you're connecting the output from the the engine starter battery, either through a solar charge controller, or there is one built into your panel.

Orions are used to charge a battery from another DC source. Usually in a campervan, it is configured to charge only when there's a decent voltage from the alternator.

If you trickle charge the starter battery from a low power panel, it's unlikely that the starter battery voltage will be high enough to turn the Orion into charge mode. The Orion display in Victron connect will give you the starter battery voltage and leisure battery voltages. It would help if you post a screen shot of this and your Orion settings if you need more information.

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jjr avatar image
jjr answered ·

Thanks for getting back. Here are the screenshots. I suspect these are the default settings on the unit:

img-9823.pngimg-9824.pngImage Captionimg-9821.pngimg-9822.png

When I plug in the AA 4.8Watt solar panel and disable the Charge settings I get:


But I am concerned that disabling these things (Engine shutdown and charge settings) will cause damage to the system.

Any ideas?


img-9821.png (70.6 KiB)
img-9822.png (114.6 KiB)
img-9823.png (116.9 KiB)
img-9824.png (111.7 KiB)
img-9826.png (116.4 KiB)
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jjr avatar image
jjr answered ·

Hi folks - still looking for an answer on this issue. Any ideas.

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
Sorry, missed your update.

It's not clear what the Orion and panel are supposed to be doing.

It looks as if you have a lithium leisure battery and normal lead/AGM starter battery. Is this correct?

Which battery are you trying to trickle charge from solar?

Which battery does the Orion charge? Looks as if it's the leisure battery from the engine alternator.

Where is the solar panel connected to?

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jjr avatar image
jjr answered ·


I'm trying to trickle charge the vehicle battery when I am away. The leisure battery has a dedicated, rooftop solar panel.

Does this help?


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