
waldmensch avatar image
waldmensch asked

dbus-sma-smartmeter - Integrates SMA-EM10/20 and SHM2.0 as Meter over SMA Speedwire Broadcast

I wrote a service to implement the following meters over the Speedwire UDP Broadcast. This way the data are straight forwarded over LAN without any re-translation, MQTT or somewhat else. No separate meter is needed for SMA environment anymore

- SMA-EM10
- SMA-EM20
- SHM 2.0 (Sunny Homemanager)

The Project on Github:




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tetanuss avatar image tetanuss commented ·

I have a question. I have a STP 5000TL-20 719 with 5,2KWp (Will be extended by an other one) an the EM10 and I want to add a battery, so I came across the Multplus 2 setup and this Threadd. Can you tell me something about your setup with the virctron components? It's a little bit har din my area to find someone with experience. Thanks a lot

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