
Enrico Marzico avatar image
Enrico Marzico asked

Current flowing trought a Multiplus to aux battery

I have a boat with a service bank and an engine battery.

I have a Multiplus charging the service bank and the engine battery with the aux output. Now i have the multiplus switched off as i'm off grid and a solar array charging the service bank.

What i noticed is that some current is flowing also to the engine battery (and the only common point as everything else is disconnected is the multiplus and the aux battery reading of a smart shunt).

Is it possible that some current is leaking up to the multiplus cc input/output to the aux output and to the engine battery?

Multiplus-IIbattery charging
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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

@Enrico Marzico

I would check by removing the aux connection from the multiplus to check for zero current, or use a amp meter.

The charger is supposed to follow the charge cycle of the battery installed on the victron. So if your house battery is not charging then neither should the aux battery.

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Enrico Marzico avatar image Enrico Marzico commented ·
The house battery is charging trought an mppt, my question is if there is some physical (working also with the inverter switched off) connection from the house batteries to the aux battery in the multiplus.
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derrick thomas avatar image
derrick thomas answered ·

The aux battery output is always powered regardless of wether or not the house bank is charging. There is no switching in the aux circuit, only a rectifier diode. Aux output will always be a fraction of a volt lower than the house voltage.

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