
izakgroen avatar image
izakgroen asked

ET112 Meter reporting

My friend and I used different installers and basically installed the same system.

My equipment:
MultiPlus-II 48/5000/70-48 GX; MPPT 250/70 with 9x400Watt Panels; MPPT 150/45 with 3x400Watt Panels (Will be expanded to 6); Energy meter ET112.

The panels needed to be split due to roof space.

His meter is splitting the loads between AC Loads and Critical loads. I.e. when the geyser or oven is switched on, you can see the difference:

My meter is not differentiating between AC Loads and Critical loads. I.e. when I switch my geyser on my critical loads increase:1680256863693.png

I asked my installer to change mine accordingly. The feedback I received is that he contacted Victron and according to Victron he did do the setup correct and they do not know how the other installer did it in order to see the difference?? (I am not sure if the same energy meter was installed at my friend)

Any ideas, pointers I can give him?

I also notice a difference in the Grid input into the system. My grid is normally between 40-100W. My friends is normally between 10-30W. What could cause this difference.

Energy Meter
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1 comment
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Richard Weir avatar image Richard Weir commented ·
Have you got a wiring diagram if your set up please.
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2 Answers
gazza avatar image
gazza answered ·

I suggest you re-contact your installer if the system is not doing what you specified? You should be able to see where the meter is installed?
This forum is good for sorting out minor technical/programming issues, but if you are not familiar with the components then, from experience, suggesting solutions can end up going around in circles? Really trying to be helpful and not at all condescending, your best starting point would be to go back to the installer. To be of any more help on the forum then a system diagram of what your installer has done would really be needed, along with what has been programmed.

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gazza avatar image
gazza answered ·

Ok I assume your meter is installed as a Grid meter, ie it is inserted in your system immediately after your supplier meter/isolation switch?
The AC Loads reading is whatever is fed from the AC IN side of the Multiplus, the Critical Loads reading is whatever is connected on the AC OUT 1 side of the multiplus. So, I imagine there is a difference in the way the distribution has been wired between you and your friend?
The Grid set-point can be controlled from the Remote Console. Possibly you and your friend have different Grid set-point targets?

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izakgroen avatar image izakgroen commented ·

My request to my installer was as follow:
- All loads, except geyser and oven on essentials (I.e. during load shedding cannot use geyser and oven)

-When no load shedding, excess power from solar to be used for non-essentials.

I am not sure where he installed meter. I remember something about connected on AC out??

Is this how it should be wired (taken from ET112 manual)


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ejrossouw avatar image ejrossouw izakgroen commented ·

1680271357352.pngYou don't have AC coupled PV from what I read, so at a high level, this is what I would expect to see. The ESS will be configured to use an external meter (ET112) (it already has been configured to see critical loads) The MPPTs are DC coupled and will send their data to the system.

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