I have one of these on a 200ah LiFePO4 battery that I use for astronomy. It is permanently wired and powered all the time to be a SOC indicator. I bought Jan 2022 and for about a year it worked perfectly.
Of late however it loses its information. In the most recent example, I started at 100% and a full charge, took it out and used it for a night, came back went into my closet, and it showed about 75% charge remaining which was reasonable.
Two days later (today) I checked it, and it shows 100% charge. It is not on charge, just sitting on the floor. It shows no current in use, or used. It basically forgot its state.
I use the setup infrequently, charging only before each use. This is the second time in about 2 months that when I checked it, it had reset.
This is a new "feature" after a year of stability. Did it come with recent firmware (I generally update if it prompts). Or a sign it is failing? Some kind of a reboot?
This thing should work in an always-on mode, right? That's rather the point of a SOC coulomb counter, right?