
wawibu avatar image
wawibu asked

EV Charger consumption as AC load

I was able to connect my openWB with my Victron system using MQTT. Data flow is working fine and it is showing up on the VRM portal. Using an SDM630 as EVU and pushing these data also via MQTT.

The issue I have currently is that the EV consumption is also part of AC Load - see below. AC Load should have been at that point only as 810 W instead of 4590 W.

Maybe I'm missing a data point which is required for the portal to calculate correct.


How is that looking if a Victron Wallbox is installed and connected ? Is then the EV load excluded from AC load?

VRMev charging station
owb-victron.png (93.7 KiB)
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It depends on where it configured as connected (ac in or out)
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wawibu avatar image wawibu Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·
is configured as AC IN

have only 1 MP2/48/5000 and not a 3p system - don't know if that makes a difference

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3 Answers
Johan Bahn Larsen avatar image
Johan Bahn Larsen answered ·

@Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) I have the same issue. When i connect my car to the charger both the AC load and the EV power raises on the portal even though the ac load is very low. An example: if the load is 800W and I start charging my car with 5kW both the AC load and EV charger is showing around 5kw of usage in VRM.

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But isn't the EVCS and AC load? Not sure if I understand what the issue is.

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Johan Bahn Larsen avatar image Johan Bahn Larsen Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·
it is connected on the load side, so, yes, in principle it is an AC load but i was expecting the portal to divide it into two different loads. One showing the consumption in the house and one showing the EV consumption. Is this not the case?
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Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ Johan Bahn Larsen commented ·
No, at least not now
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Johan Bahn Larsen avatar image Johan Bahn Larsen Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·
OK. Thanks. What if i put it on the input side? Will it then show the grid power and EV power separately?
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hanjo avatar image
hanjo answered ·

Is there a solution or still buggy?

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rebuild2558 avatar image
rebuild2558 answered ·

The issue still persists. I updated everything, but my EV charger still appears to draw from "AC Loads" despite having its separate section. The total system consumption is correctly reflected as 735 watts, so I think it's just an AC Loads calculation error.


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VRM will be updated soon, that's a bug.
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