
Dan Harabagiu avatar image
Dan Harabagiu asked

Why is Victron not using the Charge battery


Hi everyone, why is the system not using my 100% loaded battery to cover the AC Loads?

Any hints are welcomed

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2 Answers
ejrossouw avatar image
ejrossouw answered ·

Far to little information to work with. What are your ESS settings? Keep batteries charged? Has this changed recently or is this a new install? Also,where is your gridmeter located and do you use ACOUT for loads?

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Dan Harabagiu avatar image
Dan Harabagiu answered ·

Yes I know one picture does not describe it all.

But I think also I have found my issue. Was the Virtual Switch that was giving priority to Grid. Now I have switched to Dedicated ignore AC , with some parameters (battery dependent) when to not ignore AC (as in when solar is not there and battery is low).

To answer with details to your questions

- ESS: is not there, disabled. No assistant available

- This is a complete fresh new install

- I have no gridmeter

- I have Loads direct on ACOUT 1 as I use a Multiplus II - 48/5000/70

I found the Virtual Switch minimal documented and this gave some frustration. But I think / hope I have this solved for now

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