I have a question re the MPPT RS 450/100 charge controller. What is the Maximum input Amps each array of solar panels can pass into each channel on the charge controller? The documentation is not clear. From a data sheet I found it looks like the max amps should be 18A, but that is not clear if that is the total for both channels or for each channel, or some other number.
I am trying to confirm that each channel on the MPPT charge controller can accept 10 solar panels that are 540Watts with a max output of 41.64V at 12.97A each. My math looks like this, 10 panels in series should equate to 41.64V x 10 = 416.40V at 12.97A, which means I should be able to have 2 arrays of 10 panels, one into each side of the MPPT RS 450/100?
Thanks Duncan