
traian-nicolau avatar image
traian-nicolau asked

Ruuvi Tag Pro doesn't show humidity.

Hi! I have 3 Ruuvi Tags and 1 Ruuvi Tag Pro linked to my cerbo that I monitor via VRM. The 3 normal tags, show everything, but the tag Pro, only shows the temperature. Am I missing any settings here? Can't find anything on Remote Console that I can change.


cerbo gxVRMTemperature Sensortemperatureruuvi sensors
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1 Answer
Lukas Ronge avatar image
Lukas Ronge answered ·


There are two version of Ruuvi Tags Pro. One which is not waterproof does have humidity sensor and seconds one which is waterproof does not have humidity sensor. Which version do you have ? What about Ruuvi application in phone ? Does it read humidity from Pro tag correctly?

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traian-nicolau avatar image traian-nicolau commented ·
Sorry, I didn't know that there are multiple versions of the Pro. You are right, I have just checked and I have the waterproof one that does not come with a humidity sensor. Thanks!
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