
admabatley1983 avatar image
admabatley1983 asked

ET112 Wiring with Zigbee Connection



Looking to connect a ET112 to a Zigbee as my mains incoming grid connection is around 30m away from where my Cerbo GX is located.

On the ET112 to Zigbee RS485 connection. It shows a +12V DC and -GND connection. Not seen this on any "real life" wiring diagrams I have seen online. I only have AC connections around my meter. Do I need to buy a 12V AC to DC plug adaptor and strip the cables to make this connection?

Also question 2. Does anyone know if the Zigbee to USB comes with the required USB cable to connect to the Cerbo GX, or do I have to buy this separately?

Thanks in advance. Newbie at this.

wiring diagram
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2 Answers
Jons Collasius avatar image
Jons Collasius answered ·

The 12 V DC are mandatory for the Zigbee adapter on the meter side.

The USB cable is a normal USB-A to USB-B cable. You probably have half a dozen of these in your drawer.

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Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·


The USB cable comes with the Zigbee to USB adapter.

And a power adapter comes with the Zigbee to RS485 interface.

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