Looking at unorthodox charge set up to allow excess PV production to be used. System so far; Multiplus-ii 48/5000 - AC in connection to house dis board, AC 2 out connected to dump loads, switchable between various loads. CT clamp on main incomer - to multiplus. 18no. Eve280lk in series. JK BMS( works great with multiplus / VRM ). Victron MPPT 150/35 with 4xPerlight 415w panels 2P2S - DC-DC. SMA3600 AC-AC grid tied with FIT tariff. Before the Victron/ battery installation, was using a PV router ( senses export with CTclamp on incomer to divert excess electricity to 2 seperate loads - suitable for priority), this worked brilliantly for years. Dream set up would be. MPPT to charge say to 64v(can't figure how to with below) multiplus to charge to 58v(can't figure how to with the above) AC2 out on at 57.95V( no problems) PV router would then divert excess from AC - AC SMA, with MPPT to carry on charging batteries. 150/35 still to be visable / logged on VRM(possible?). Also Aux relay to control dump in addition on AC 2 out(easy with assistant's). Currently can't get multiplus-ii to play ball, as soon as I disable DVCC the multiplus goes into a tizzy / report low battery and stops all charging/ goes into pass through. Best set up I can come up with is. Multiplus-ii with DVCC on / BMS connected to control multiplus charge &MPPT voltage charge points. Dump loads on AC 2 out ( AC2 with assistant to come on at XXv), PV router also on AC2 out with additional relay controlled from AUX relay on multiplus-ii to come on at XXv. Any help / pointers appreciated.