
rikhf avatar image
rikhf asked

Switching off multiplus with normal main switch in distributor

Hello, I want to be able to switch off my ess 3 fase system from the main distributor box by means off a normal main switch. In case of fire every noob should be able to disconnect mains and inverters so the house is not powered for sure. How can I connect a normal on/off switch to the inverters to switch them off? Thanks in advance! Rik

virtual switch
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1 Answer
Jons Collasius avatar image
Jons Collasius answered ·

Take a look at the "Remote On/Off" port of your MultiPlus.

There you can connect an external switch or relay. Circuit closed = on, open = off.

In the case of three MultiPlus, you would serialize the circuit across all three units.

Most Victron devices have a remote interface, if you also want to switch your MPPT tracker externally.

You could also use the "safety switch assistant".

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rikhf avatar image rikhf commented ·
Yes I think that is what I need. Wasn't aware of that port. Thanks Jons!
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Related Resources

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic

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