
richard22 avatar image
richard22 asked

Orion-Tr 12/24-15A DC-DC converter charging two ‘Solar Generators’

I have the above in power supply mode, in my van, nicely providing 200W (24V, 8A) into the MPPT controller of a ‘solar generator’ - BLUETTI/ EcoFlow/ Jackery type system. I have just purchased a second ‘solar generator’. Can I use the Orion’s same output to charge the second unit at the same time as the first? Thanks.

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1 Answer
Jons Collasius avatar image
Jons Collasius answered ·

As long as 15 A current is not exceeded, with two "solar generators", there should be no problem with the Orion-Tr 12/24-15.

You can connect as many devices to the output as you want, as long as a maximum of 360 watts are drawn continuously.

If necessary, you can also connect several Orion in parallel.

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richard22 avatar image richard22 commented ·

I think 16A will be drawn in total, but I thought MPPT controllers ‘took’ what was avilable? Should I reduce the Orion’s output to 22.5V (22.5V x 16A = 360W)?

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