
Jan Zmrhala avatar image
Jan Zmrhala asked

Modbus TCP

Hi I would like to get the total energy delivered to network in kWh for previous day ( and the total energy taken from network in kWh for the previous day) from Modbus TCP on victron. My multiplus is on 227 but cant see register above 60. This two values (total energy delivered and taken to/from grid) can be seen on the vrm portal. thank you

Modbus TCP
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6 Answers
matt1309 avatar image
matt1309 answered ·

Hi @Jan Zmrhala

Do you mind sharing what register ID/address you're trying to get from the modbus register list?

Looking at the ModbusTCP register list (link below in case you have a different one to me) it looks like register 60 is vebus not mutliplus so is that maybe your issue?

I can see a total "Total Energy from net" and "Total Energy to net" at Address 2634 and 2636 but again this is under com.victronenergy.grid rather than mutliplus.

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Jan Zmrhala avatar image Jan Zmrhala commented ·
I will need to get the information from VRM. If I get it from multipkus/cebro via Modbus, there will be tricky calculation behind this
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johnone avatar image
johnone answered ·

Probably worth noting that one purpose of the VRM is to aggregate data, e.g. totaling data for day/week/month etc. Whereas, ModbusTCP data tends to be what is being reported at the time, or changing settings. There are probably exceptions but best not to expect that everything you see on the VRM is also available via ModbusTCP.

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Jan Zmrhala avatar image
Jan Zmrhala answered ·

Hi, I would like to get the values : energy delivered to network in kWh for previous day ( and the total energy taken from network in kWh for the previous day). I dont mind if is from vrm or modbus (as I understand the modbus does not provide this data - its only in VRM database. So how can you get this data from VRM

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Jons Collasius avatar image
Jons Collasius answered ·

Take this for refference:

Use this addresses for your counters:

com.victronenergy.vebus 74 Energy from AC-In 1 to AC-out

com.victronenergy.vebus 76 Energy from AC-In 1 to battery

com.victronenergy.vebus 78 Energy from AC-In 2 to AC-out

com.victronenergy.vebus 80 Energy from AC-In 2 to battery

com.victronenergy.vebus 82 Energy from AC-out to AC-in 1 (reverse fed PV)

com.victronenergy.vebus 84 Energy from AC-out to AC-in 2 (reverse fed PV)

com.victronenergy.vebus 86 Energy from battery to AC-in 1

com.victronenergy.vebus 88 Energy from battery to AC-in 2

com.victronenergy.vebus 90 Energy from battery to AC-out

com.victronenergy.grid 2634 Total Energy from net

com.victronenergy.grid 2636 Total Energy to net

Just pull the values at midnight via Modbus TCP. The difference now - yesterday is your daily value.

Store and use the data however you like.

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Jons Collasius avatar image
Jons Collasius answered ·

Take a look here:

The VRM API provides you with the data you need.

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alda avatar image
alda answered ·

Let me open this point again. For me is really not clear which value is what. I'm reading all above listed registers.

-"Total Energy from net" is working

next what is working is "Yield today" register 784 from "com.victronenergy.solarcharger"

so I know how many kWh was produced by PV, but don't know what was used for battery charging and what directly used for consumption

I can see a changing values in this registers :

74 - Energy from AC-In 1 to AC-out

86 - Energy from battery to AC-in 1

90 - Energy from battery to AC-out

rest is 0 or "null"

But when I calculate a day values from this registers and compare with VRM, I can't find which value is what.

Thanks for help


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