I have 2 Quattro 12|5000|221-100|100 120V units operating in 180 degree split phase mode. In the document "Manual - Quattro 5k 120-240V - rev 02 - EN.pdf" section 2.3 Option 2a describes a mode where only one 120V shore power leg is available:
"If only one 120V leg is available at the AC input, one unit will connect to it, and the other unit will operate on battery power. System output will be 120/240V or 120/208V, depending on configuration. Power from the 120V leg that is available will be used to charge the battery, compensating for power taken from the battery by the second unit."
I would like to operate in this mode part of the time but thus far I have been unable to get the Quattros to perform this task. They register the 120V leg that is being input but they never switch through any mains power. I can't find any reference to this feature in the latest documentation, but I used the older document when making my purchasing decision based on availability of this feature. Is this mode of operation still possible?
Thanks so much.