Hallo Ladies and Gents,
I will keep this short because I lost the form while submitting, unfortunately.
When turning on ESS you will also be turning of powerassist, though this is a function I still would like to use on certain times.
I noticed when changing the AC Gridpoint to a negative you will send back power however when it is in the positive it will charge the battery; if there is a need for that. When keeping it at 0 it will stay as idle.
I would like to use node-red to change the AC Gridpoint depending on the current load of the house; with an external sensor so this can happen each second, or even more often or less often.
But is there any concerns when changing this often? Like wear of the flash storage memory, can cause issues with the inverter (because a lot of changes in a short time)?
Are there better ways to handle such situations, in short I want to:
1. Be able to charge the battery when it's cheap.
2. Being able to assist my current load when the power prices are high (so using 100 watt I want the gridpoint to be -100w).
3. Being able to discharge the battery back to the grid company when I want.
Is this the way to go? Any suggestions I would love to hear them even if it differs from my current way of doing things, would love to hear feedback! Thanks!