
Kari Saaranen avatar image
Kari Saaranen asked

Easysolar 2 gx display views old info, not responding to button press

As the title says, just noticed that my display shows old info and is not updating or responding to button press in any way. Is this a problem that needs replacing the unit under warranty? Or is there some other way to make it work? VRM displays everything OK, so does remote console.

Multiplus-IIEasySolar All-in-Onedisplay
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

@Kari Saaranen

Try rebooting it using the remote screen.

Devices list - general - reboot...

If that does not help, then further investigation is definitely needed.

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Kari Saaranen avatar image Kari Saaranen commented ·
Thanks, that seemed to work at least for now
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