When doing a remote firmware update via VRM do I need to save config of the Quttro first, and also will the firmware be updated to all 3 inverters?
Excuse the ignorance :-(
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When doing a remote firmware update via VRM do I need to save config of the Quttro first, and also will the firmware be updated to all 3 inverters?
Excuse the ignorance :-(
With a three phase it is best to be on site, or be prepared to be on site.
A couple of side notes. Is it a new installation? If it is be on site.
Is is an older or working install? It may be better to leave it, unless you are experiencing issues.
There is documentation and instructions and a video walk through Save the config first, but also be ready with other relevant information in case you have to set up from scratch.
I personally have not done nor would not do a three phase over the VRM. Usually they are complex and require other things to be disconnected like the AC PV and the DMC which requires on site attention.
Additional resources still need to be added for this topic
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