
anieuwstadt avatar image
anieuwstadt asked

ABB B24 meter registers not reflecting grid feed-in & incorrect export "To Grid" data on VRM


  • Cerbo GX, V3.00~14
  • ABB B24 energy meter


  1. When exporting excess energy to the grid, the energy pushed back to the grid does not reflect on the shown meter registers.
  2. Exported energy does not show on the VRM dashboard.



  • At 14h03


  • At 14h15, no grid feed-in shown on the dashboard, yet the system has been pushing back excess energy since the first screenshot at 14h03


Energy Meter
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daniel-feist avatar image daniel-feist commented ·

What is the exact model number of your energy meter? There are multiple versions of the B24 meter, is it possible that you purchased a model that doesn't have the separate import/export registers?

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1 Answer
anieuwstadt avatar image
anieuwstadt answered ·


Thanks for the help. The variant of the B24 installed does not have the export registers.

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daniel-feist avatar image daniel-feist commented ·
The Victron documentation states that you need the "silver" variant and that the "steel" version is not suitable. That said, if you look at the datasheet, the "bronze" version also has import/export registers. In your case, I assume you have a "steel" version.
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