
cruisey1987 avatar image
cruisey1987 asked

Victron EV charger II & feature requests

I spotted in the latest price list (Q1 2023) there's an EV charger II listed as available from March

This implies there's a newer version coming, but there doesn't seem to be anything about it in the product pages

Anyone have any more information about it?

Also, I know there's some improvements being made, so I'm going to chuck my ideas in for future updates in case any Victron staff are reading :-)

  1. Better scheduled charging, I saw charging can now be scheduled which is good, but it would be great if charging could be scheduled while in Auto mode. So the station would charge from excess solar when available and then charge at maximum power during the scheduled window to guarantee a minimum SoC in the vehicle
  2. Multiple chargers support, it would be great if properties with multiple chargers could configure them to share the available power intelligently. For example if there is 5kW of excess solar power and two EV chargers, and perhaps one is charging at a maximum of 3kW then the other charger would use the other 2kW
  3. Better home battery usage, ideally you should not charge an EV from the home batteries unless it's really necessary. So when using a scheduled charge, there should be options about whether this is supplied purely from the grid+solar, or whether the charger is allowed to drain the battery
  4. Tethered charger and single phase option, a version of the charger with a cable permanently installed (tethered) would be great, plus some cable management to keep things neat. In addition, a lot of houses don't have 3 phase supplies so a 3 phase charger is a bit wasteful. It would be better to have a cheaper single phase version if possible
  5. More mounting and cable options, it's not always easy to have the cable coming in from below so cable entries on the sides, top and back would give a lot more flexibility. Also, repacking the unit to hide the mounting screws would be a lot neater looking
ev charging station
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Thanks for suggestions!

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Michelle Konzack avatar image Michelle Konzack commented ·

In addition, a lot of houses don't have 3 phase supplies so a 3 phase charger is a bit wasteful. It would be better to have a cheaper single phase version if possible

I was thinking this too, because you can get already singel phase wallboxes with 32A for under 800€. If Victron would have a 16A version, which can work frawless with a 5000VA Inverter already, it would be just perfect.

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Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ Michelle Konzack commented ·

Hi Michelle, thanks, noted!

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Peter Buijs - NL avatar image Peter Buijs - NL Michelle Konzack commented ·

a lot of houses don't have 3 phase supplies so a 3 phase charger

This is depending on the country you live in. In the Netherlands most houses build since 1985 have a 3 phase 25A home connection, many of the houses have a single phase installation after the main connection. We have a tariff structure where there are fixed cost per year for a 3 phase 25A connection.

An other point is speed of charging, is you have a car which is capable to charge 3 phase 11kW. It will charge @ 30% of it's capabilities on a single phase connection. So charging time will be three times as long.

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iammotorhomeless avatar image iammotorhomeless commented ·

when you say "Victron EV charger II" are we talking about the new EV Charging Station NS that I have just seen on their website ?

I like some of your feature requests, exsept the tethered cable... it's a personal choice

I think you mist the most important feature request, "in my opinion"
The EV i am looking at has V2L... and I would like to charge my house battery from the car battery, when the sun is not shining

So a V2H system... off grid style

Turn the car into a 64kW mobile house battery, that I renew every two years

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Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ iammotorhomeless commented ·
No, that's the same version but without screen. V2 will have different hardware inside.

V2G - let's have some vehicle first capable of supporting V2G over AC.

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Michelle Konzack avatar image Michelle Konzack iammotorhomeless commented ·
The three EVs (N1 type) I am speculating with, hav the same capability.

This capability is CHEAPER then buying and running a 6kVA Bensin 98 GenSet.

However, the adapter which come WITH the EVs allow to connect the EVs to the AC1in of my Multiplus 24/5000, which has to be configured as Generator Input.

Anyway, a charger with V2L capability would be perfect.

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16 Answers
luphi avatar image
luphi answered ·

Just guessing, how it might look like.

probably no display anymore?


1676623796496.png (91.0 KiB)
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yes, that's the one :)
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luphi avatar image
luphi answered ·

Hello Lucian,

can you tell us a bit about the new EVCS II? Especially about the differences compared to the existing one. I'm really exited.



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Hi, no, unfortunately not. The only thing that I can say it that it's not going to be named EVCS II

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luphi avatar image luphi Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·
Now I'm even more exited ;-)
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cruisey1987 avatar image
cruisey1987 answered ·

I think the Victron EV charger is a bit lacking when in comparison to some competitors products like the MyEnergi Zappi

But I think it has a lot of potential and Victron are moving in the right direction with it

One of the biggest headaches with the Zappi is that it can be tricky to stop it from draining your house batteries when doing an overnight boost from the grid.

With the Victron charger, since it can "talk" to the other Victron products I think there's a way this could be avoided

I'm also hoping Victron come up with a V2H charging solution, but I understand this depends a lot on the car manufacturers to implement as well

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Thanks for your suggestions, more features are added every update, we are not planning to stop the development on both hardware and software.

We already have a protection for over-discharging the house batteries

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cruisey1987 avatar image cruisey1987 Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·
Really? Can you share the details on that because I couldn't see any information about it in the manuals?
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Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ cruisey1987 commented ·

When you are grid connected, ESS is taking care of battery not to be over-discharged. When the grid is failing or the system is off grid, the setting below is taking care of over-discharge protection.


Also explained in the manual:

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mito555 avatar image mito555 Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·
I'm looking for the possibility to stop charging when using "auto" at a certain ammount of %SOC when i AM connected tot the grid. That way I can keep a certain ammount of battery % for the rest of the household.

Second desired option: with "auto" make sure that I won't go over XXXX W from the grid (in Belgium we have to pay extra when we go over 2500W.

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Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ mito555 commented ·
Automatic mode is not using the grid, only the excess power from the sun
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petajoule avatar image
petajoule answered ·

Ok, I am also interested to know what the differences are between the EVC300400300 and the EVC200300200.

I find them in the price list for the same price, I see no information about the newer "II"-version on the Victron website, and VIctron Energy staff here says he can't disclose any info. :-/

On there is also nothing in the "Latest News".
What gives?

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It is not available yet, details will be published when it will be released
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CristiMV avatar image
CristiMV answered ·

What the f..k? We were waiting so long to get the V1, and now a V2 is coming out? Even more considering that the price for V1 was quite steep...

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offgridshopeu avatar image
offgridshopeu answered ·

We have a picture of the new EV charging station NS on our website now ;-)

From what we heard there will now be a hard-wired ethernet connection and the possibility to feed the wires through the wall directly behind the unit, still waiting to see final data sheets / manuals however.

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Hi, no ethernet yet.
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offgridshopeu avatar image offgridshopeu Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·
Oh, that's a pity - would be an important feature as we had some installations with wifi reception issues. On the list for v3 maybe..?
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luphi avatar image
luphi answered ·

What does the "NS" stands for?

@Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) since March is gone, can you give us already some more information about the difference compared to the existing one? I will mount it inside, so I don't care about any IP certification, but anyway, I'm absolutely uncertain which one I should go for.

And please forgive me my impatience.



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NS - No Screen

Hardware is the same, except the missing screen.

Changes are on the aesthetics side and ease of installation.

Both models are certified to be used outdoor.

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luphi avatar image
luphi answered ·

It's there:

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rel avatar image
rel answered ·


in former discussions, you told about differences in the "single/three phase" handling of the two versions and that the old version will not get this new "single phase feature".

Now you write: "Hardware is the same, except the missing screen.".

So there is really no difference in phase handling and all possibilities for charge scaling?


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Hi, no, this is the same hardware revision. We are indeed working on a new version that allows switching 1P-3P, but I can't give you any info about it.
But, the missing feature can be easily solved by leaving only one phase connected to the EVCS during periods with low PV production, like winter.

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luphi avatar image luphi Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·
Hello @Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ,

do you have any (really roughly) ETA for it? Will it come this year?

Of course, we can switch manually between 1p and 3p, but at least for me, I'm too lazy and want it to be automated ;-), means after 1p/16A (most cars nowadays are still limited to 11kW, 3x16A) is reached and excess power +1p/16A > 3p/6A (gap between 1x16A and 3x6A), stop charging, switch to 3p, continue charging and vis versa.



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ejrossouw avatar image ejrossouw Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·

@Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) I love the new look station. Are you aware of the "MUST" have requirements, which came into effect in the UK last year. DSR, security, default off-grid setting etc.?

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Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ ejrossouw commented ·
You are asking the same question in multiple locations. Check my answer on the other location.
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ejrossouw avatar image ejrossouw Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·
No, this covers a much broader scope of requirements that the product has to comply with in order to be sold in the UK. I mentioned this for the sake of reference in the other link. (There are a quite a number of requirements e.g. DSR, default off-grid charge requirements to mention, but a few.) Thank you for the reply to the "communication loss" requirement which was specific to the other thread.
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rel avatar image rel Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·

Hello Lucian,

thanks for the hint (1/3 phase)!

Meanwhile, an EVC is working here with auto mode in a small ESS PV system.

For the times, when there is not much energy available, it would be fine, to further reduce the charging current.

Could you please change the firmware in a way, that the "Maximum charging current" can be set starting from 6 A instead 10 A?

Just an extension of the range at the lower side as it realized for the "Minimum charging current".

Kind regards


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kds avatar image kds Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·

Hi Lucian,

I am not clear about 1P-3P switch feature: Are you referring to a new firmware version to come or a new hardware model to come? In other words will the current EV Charging Station model ever have this feature?

1P is not only about winter season: since most of us are using our car to drive to work, morning charge at low power and late afternoon charge at low power are a relevant, whereas days I work from home or week-ends, I'd like to charge with 3P to catch-up on charge or long week-end journeys.

Please let me know if I should wait for a new firmware or I must already:

contact my Victron seller to look for a return or a future exchange with next model

see what I can do with modbus relays on P2 and P3...

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1P-3P is not available on the current hardware. If you look inside, there is only one 3P contactor.
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cruisey1987 avatar image
cruisey1987 answered ·

I like the new version of the charging station, but I'll be honest I'm hoping Victron focus on some of the feature requests

In particular the ability to have a scheduled charge in Auto mode is pretty important. It's great charging a car from Solar PV (I'm doing that right now) but sometimes you also want a top up from the grid during the cheaper night rates

At the moment, a user has to login to the device and manually switch from Auto to Scheduled, and remember to switch it back afterwards

Ideally there would be an "Auto+Scheduled" mode which allows both options to be active

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crisg avatar image crisg commented ·

You can automated all this with NodeRed, it not complicated :-) For my part, I automatically deactivate the inverter after 10 p.m. in scheduled mode and until 6 a.m. because I have a night tariff (during the day, the EVCS switch in automatic mode). If the car requires charging at night, I only draw power from the grid at 7kW to preserve the house battery and as soon as the charge is complete I authorise the inverter to operate again. The possibilities for customisation are enormous! You can do anything, all you need is a bit of imagination!

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Yes, with node-red you can do whatever you want
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fonsel avatar image
fonsel answered ·

If there will be an option to load "price-optimized", then a source of price information has to be given. I guess this will either be Awattar or Tibber APIs.

May I ask for another option?

What about if we could add two sources for price information.

  1. market price of the current contract (as mentioned above)
  2. price of the own PV-energy in case of selling it to the distributor ("Überschusseinspeisung")

In this case the Wallbox could even load the car in times of high market price but sufficient own PV-production ("Überschussladen"). Of course the system has to respect the available amount of energy in option 2 while this does not play a role in option 1.

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Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Thanks guys for your feedback! Yes, we are already looking into energy prices import.
But until then, the changing station can be controlled over node-red, we already have nodes that allow full access. Tibber nodes are also available, so if you want, you can create your personalized setup.
You can start by watching these 3 videos:

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m1kkel avatar image
m1kkel answered ·


  1. Is it true that the charging station NS cant switch to 1 phase? If yes, will that be implemented?
  2. How can we control the charging station NS so it will not drain the batteries lower than ex. 40%? You wrote earlier that ESS will take care of that. I dont agree. Maybe i have enough energy in my house battery for the night at 40% SOC, so i want the charger to stop there, so i dont drain it completely and have to import power from grid sometime in the night,
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1 - No.

2 - only for off grid it is possible. For grid connected systems, you can make your custom setup over node red, we have nodes for controlling the EVCS.
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pauldunn avatar image
pauldunn answered ·

+1 for tethered charger. I would buy a tethered version of the NS with black face plate immediately.

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What do you mean by tethered?

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pauldunn avatar image pauldunn Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·
I mean the charging cable is attached to the NS and the NS would not have a charging cable socket.
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Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ pauldunn commented ·

Unfortunately, no, there are still vehicles with type 1 connector. And that was the reason for having a connector instead of a type 2 cable.

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pauldunn avatar image pauldunn Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·

That is a shame. Zappi (and I am sure plenty of others) offer a tethered and untethered version to get around that issue.

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kudos50 avatar image kudos50 Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·
@Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) if the 3 phase contactor and the type 2 connector lock are not physically controlled by the same mechanisme, would it be an option to make "a hidden feature" on modbus to keep the NS side of the type connector locked even of the contactor is open and no car is connected. That will provide basic protection against cable theft for people who like a "tethered cable".
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Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ kudos50 commented ·

Yes, but the locking motor is not part of the product.
It was designed for home use and for this kind of applications, it's just an extra cost, most of the time not used.

Next generation will probably have the locking motor included

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luphi avatar image
luphi answered ·

Hello @Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ,

from the firmware download page I noticed, that there are already three different hardware versions.

I assume c024 is the 1st one, c025 is the NS version, but what is c026 ?

Probably a new development supporting automatic 1p/3p switching ? ;-)

Are you able to tell us some details, like new feature, pictures, ETA,...



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luphi avatar image luphi commented ·

found the answer by myself:

  1. For EVCS with screen:
  2. If the firmware version is below 1.21 - use the *.evcsup file with the C024 mark.
  3. If the firmware version is above or equal to 1.21 - use the *.evcsup file with the C025 mark.
  5. For EVCS without screen:
  6. Use the *.evcsup file with the C026 mark

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fonsel avatar image
fonsel answered ·

Here in Germany there will be a new type of subsidies starting 26.09.2023:

And there is a list about supported Wallboxes:

Zur Liste der geförderten Ladestationen

I wonder why Victron Wallboxes are missing? I think they should easily fulfill all requirements needed.

Maybe an Victron official could spend the effort and kindly ask the KFW to add them to the list by using the following form?

Zum Registrierungs­formular für Hersteller

I would order one if I could benefit by this subsidies.

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Hi @Fonsel at present this list of which the KfW is refering to is not complete yet.

We have asked to get on the list already for a while, but still did not get feedback yet. This will hopefully be the case in the near future. Keep an eye on the list.
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luphi avatar image luphi commented ·
You are not eligible, if you already have any PV and just want to add a EV charger
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