
matt-s avatar image
matt-s asked

Dual mppt regulators

I have just purchased two 75/15 smart solar mppt chargers. This since I want to monitor my two 100w panels separately. But maybe I did a mistake here since bothr regulators will charge the same set of batteries?

Will the two regualtors take out each other? I.e. one will always sense that the other is charging and go in idle mode?

MPPT Controllers
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3 Answers
crazyclowndied avatar image
crazyclowndied answered ·

There is no problem running 2 together as they will both attempt to get the voltage to absorbtion voltage. Once they get to float it may only run off one until there is enough load for the second one to have to work to maintain float voltage

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wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

They will charge together but they will not be synchronised. They will not switch to Absorb or Float at exactly the same time.

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matt-s avatar image
matt-s answered ·

Perfect, then everything is ok!!

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