
dianna avatar image
dianna asked

Partial charging shows as 100%

I’m so confused, my BMV712 shows my Lithiums as 100% yet the Smart BMS App shows some as full and another as only partial.

What am I not understanding


battery charging
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·


They all show the same cell and battery total voltages on the battery app for all batteries.

The 40% one also has one more cycle on it that the others, which is also weird if they are installed at the same time.

It us possible you have poor cutrent sharing on the bank and that one is working harder than the others or is is or has developed a problem.

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dianna avatar image dianna Alexandra ♦ commented ·
Thanks for your input.

Good pick up on the extra cycle, not sure why that is as they all went in together.

With the lack of equipment and access to trades we are going to swap the order of that particular battery and see if the lack of charge stays the same.

I’m guessing that will give us an indication of whether the battery is at fault, the app or the current sharing. Not foolproof I know but it’s a start.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

The bmv also shows 2A but the battery apps are not showing any power moving. So you need to tong test and see if it is passing also down to them.

In short the SOC monitoring on your battery app may not be that good.

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2 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Might be poor wiring causing the low battery not to charge correctly.

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n55 avatar image
n55 answered ·

BMV temp seems on the high side. Also it appears you have had 2 temp alarms. I have a set of batteries which cut off charge at 45 C. You also might need to reconfigure the bank settings for the BMV. Post a pic of that page and tell us what you have for batts would also be helpful.

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