
gewoonpeter avatar image
gewoonpeter asked

SmartShunt in VRM don't show up in VRM

Hi I'm Peter,

Since last week i've added a SmartShunt to my Victron-network.
Next to my: MultiPlus 3000 and MPPT 100/50 all in 12v @ 300A LiFePo4

The SmartShunt is setup as "EnergyMonitor" and i've tried diferrent sub-options, like: Fridge, Boiler, DC-SYSTEM, ect.

But the problem is that the Shunt doesn't appear at my VRM Dashboard.

The device is by USB-connected to my Venus OS, what it also detects.
I see the wattage in my Advanced-panel. But not in the main Dashboard.

I added this SmartShunt to monitor my 12v-users, like: lights, fridge and blower.

Can somebody help to show the Shunt into my dashboard?

Advanced, shows:


Dashboard doesn't show:


Device is added (and re-added, and...) In like 4 different ways/"names"


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6 Answers
pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

You need to tell your Venus OS device that you have a 12V system with loads on the system on the "System Setup" menu, see image, select " Has DC system" to On.


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pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

Then you should get the extra box, I do not know how long it will take VRM to synchronise to the new addition.


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gewoonpeter avatar image
gewoonpeter answered ·

Thank you for your reply!

But this is not what i'm looking for.

The Shunt as to monitor the watt-usage from a particular circuit, like i selected for example: Fridge.

The "Has DC System" is in my case, the car-dynamo who powers also, when i'm driving.

So I expect a new tile with "DC consumers" of with the selected name: Fridge



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gewoonpeter avatar image
gewoonpeter answered ·

What I think it does (wrong):

- AC-power minus the "Shunt output"


In fact I use now not 9w but still around 40-50w in AC and in DC for real 10-30w

So it seems to be a mistake by the automatic system? 40-30 = around 9w ?!

The dashboard is now a bigger mess...


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pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

Sorry I misunderstood, I think Victron have not got the displays for DC energy meters working so you can not see a separate tiles for each user.

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gewoonpeter avatar image
gewoonpeter answered ·

No problem, thank you a lot for thinking with me!

This article talks about, what I want to achieve:

What I think is..

- Shunt measure it (right + all good)

- Shunt shows it right in VRM Advanced

- VRM understand this in the wrong way:

- it calculates wrong, by AC - DC = consumption ?!

- it doesn't show up as own tile

--- update, i will change my complete setup with 2 new devices: BMV712 and DC-DC Orion


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