
arne999 avatar image
arne999 asked

Raspberry pi 4, homeassistant victron multiplus

I have just bought a Multiplus II 48V 4000 (and a smart solar charger).

Its not possible to configure the Multiplus without additional stuff so I bought a bluetooth dogle. This was to basic so I bougt a mk3 adapter... And then finally a raspberry pi 4 with home assistance installed and two Ve bus USB... however the Multiplus did not have a Ve, just the Smart solar...

The question is: Is it possible to communicate with the stuff I have in order to integrate the victron units into home assitant or do I need to buy an additional expencive gadget, ccgx...??

I dont want to use Venus OS on the raspberry since I want to be able to use home assistant.

Multiplus-IIhome assistant
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2 Answers
johnone avatar image
johnone answered ·

This thread:
Is it possible to run the ESS Assistant on a Multiplus without a GX from an external control connected via MK3-USB ?
... indicates it is possible to communicate with a Multiplus without a CCGX (but it would seem to be frowned on by users who post here a lot).

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

It is possible to communicate yes, system control is different (and possible to set up, but outside of the system design).

ESS is designed to work in the Victron ecology with a GX in normal official channel supported use.

But they do make their stuff open source, so you are free to play with ideas. It is just that there is no official support, that is left to users on this forum who may or may not have tried what you are trying and hopefully to the fact that you knwo what you are doing.

So maybe @Johnone will be able to help you more, as he has some outside of the box ideas.

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johnone avatar image johnone Alexandra ♦ commented ·

Really looking forward to when the likes of ChatGPT are developed enough to replace 'experts' on forums such as this. The game-changer is they interact without any trace of attitude or sarcastic comment - solely a focus on the issue raised. Here's hoping.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ johnone commented ·

I was not being sarcastic. I think some ideas guys put out here are quite interesting. And if there weren't people always trying to push the limit, we would not progress.

However being on the forefront usually means there are only a few with you......

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spazpeker avatar image
spazpeker answered ·

I have 2 raspberry pi, one with Venus os large with the victron nodes installed, using the MQTT out to send data to the other,

With the low price of the Pi just get 2

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