
Roman Komůrka avatar image
Roman Komůrka asked

Why is power taken from the grid instead of the battery?


I am a newbie so the question might be silly but I am very curious and my dealer isn't helpful much :).

I got the FV setup over 2 years ago but I would swear the behavior was different back then and it started just recently (could have it been an update of the firmware which the dealer didn't tell me about?).

I noticed that even though the battery has enough capacity left (e.g. on the screenshot it's at 100% and SoC is set to 60%) and the house requires more power, it's taken from the grid instead of the battery as can be seen on the screenshot.

This isn't desired behavior in my use case due to different energy tariffs during the day. I would much rather take all energy from the battery instead of the grid to save more money.


Is this normal behavior? Or is there a way to change some settings so that the power is taken primarily from PV and the battery and only if that's not good enough then it's taken from the grid?

Very much appreciate any input here, it's driving me crazy :).

Thank you and have a great day.


BMSess discharging
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Bonhardt László avatar image Bonhardt László commented ·

probably you have an inverter power limit setup so you wont overload, so it takes the rest from grid. ( just my guess )

you are doing almost 2500W (pv + battery) which is a good limit for a 3000VA multiplus, though i have no idea what size of inverter you got.

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