
h2009 avatar image
h2009 asked

Multiplus relay - daily usage?

Hi there

Just wondering is there any specification about how many times the relay can be used? Ie disconnecting from the grid everyday and then reconnecting.


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Rob Duthie avatar image Rob Duthie commented ·

If look on the relay you will see a number and brand type search that and it wll tell what the life of it is on certain loads etc. They are Panasonic types with a mechanical rating of 1x10 power of 7 and 180 per min operations.


Rob D


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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Plenty more times. I have not seen an actualy spec. We have weak erratic and downright irritating grid. Sometimes 3 or 4 disconnects a day, sometimes more. Connect for two minutes then gone again.

Good news is I am no longer irritated by that issue, dont know and dont care that it happens now. Two thumbs up to Victron.

There are some pretty beefy contacts in there. Going on three years strong.

Only time I have seen a welded contact is when the installer/user was over currenting the input, in other words pulling more through than it was rated/designed for. And had been doing so for quite some time before it became ammore serious issue.

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h2009 avatar image
h2009 answered ·

Thanks for the answer.

Basically the reason why I’m asking is I hate grid pulling when there is plenty of juice in the battery. I find I’m getting loads of pull from the grid around 1-3kw (static loads ie lights)

So the plan is to use node red to disconnect the relay during the day and only connect to charge the battery.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

So a fancy virtual switch. Nice.

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