
jrock967 avatar image
jrock967 asked

Multiplus II - 48v/3000/35/120 - How to wire for 50amps in?

My Multiplus ii unit does not have 4 AC-in connection ports, only has N, PE, L.

My understanding is that 50amp power has two hot legs L1 and L2. The manual even states that there should be 4 connection units in the 'AC-in' area.

How can this unit still get 50amps of AC-input?

What am I missing? Purchased the unit in Canada from a local supplier.tempimagecknrtd.gifscreenshot-2023-01-24-at-55521-pm.png


Multiplus-IIinput current
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klim8skeptic avatar image klim8skeptic ♦ commented ·

Are you confusing your multi with the MultiPlus-II 2 x120V split phase inverter charger?

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jrock967 avatar image jrock967 klim8skeptic ♦ commented ·
No jus trying to understand how to get 50amps of AC power into my unit without two legs.

Does the one hot (L) wire provide the full 50 amps?

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1 Answer
martin-henning avatar image
martin-henning answered ·

The number of phases is not what determines this, unless you are using a special split-phase model these units are ALL single phase. 50A transfer is not problem given the correct wire size. Subsequently even much larger units have "only" single-phase input. Depending on your country and feed-in even more amps are possible per phase.

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