
Michelle Konzack avatar image
Michelle Konzack asked

MultiPlus-II goes into Equalizion with only 27,8V

Good morning,

yeah, it is currently 01:23 in the morning and I have to ask because my MultiPlus-II 24/5000 show the first time a realy strange behaviour.

OK, here it is:

Since in the Winter it is hard to Equalize the Batteries (24V, 2940Ah), I rent once a month a SDMO HX6000 which worked fine for the previously 4 times. Yesterday I start charging because the batteries reached the DOD70% and all was working fine (13:52)


Just 30min ago (01:02) everything changed. I had to refill the tank and started the HX6000 and after some seconds the MultiPlus-II went from Bulk Charging (27,7V) into Equalizaton and lowert the Voltage to 26,6V. WTH?


My 4 BMVs (each SOPzS set of 735Ah has its own BMV 702 and a Balancer) showed that I have still -70Ah approximately, hence I have to charge at least 5-8 hours to get the batteries full.


The 4 previous times, the batteries where charged to 29,13V and then it switched into Equalizing.

What can have caused this strange behavour?

MultiPlus-II 24/5000 broken?

Thanks for your help

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