Hello everyone.
Please help with my photovoltaic power plant.
I have a complete solution from Victron Energy. Look at the schema:
I'm afraid the company didn't do everything right.
1) MPPT 150/100
Two MPPT 150/100 are used. 9 pieces of PV panels are connected for MPPT. 3 pieces in series and these three series in parallel. See schema above.I did the calculation at https://www.victronenergy.com/mppt-calculator. For 3x3 panels it comes out at the lowest temperature U=162.9 V < 150.0 V. Is it ok? Can the MPPT disconnect automatically? Is there any danger to MPPT?
2) The tenth panel
There are 3x3 panels in one string, 3 pieces in series and these series are three in parallel. The tenth panel (red) is connected in parallel to another panel. See schema above. Is this wiring OK? Will the total output be 5 kWp or only 4.5 kWp?
3) Wires Wires with a cross-section of 6 mm2 are used. The fuse is only before the MPPT together for 10 panels. It's alright?
The company says everything is fine. I am very worried. Thanks for the help!