Hi everybody,
My problematic :
I've got an off grid installation. And, specially at winter, i need to charge my batteries with a generator. But, after all updates of my installation components, the converter switch to inverter only when the SOC (State Of Charge) reached 51V. Does anybody knows why ?
My installation :
Multiplus-II 48V/5000kva firmware 500
CerboGX V2.92
Lynx Busbar
MPPT SmartSolar 150/70 rev2 V3.13
4 Pylontech Batteries US2000C, V2.22 (With batteryView software)
My settings :
I followed pylontech recommendations for MP2 settings from here : https://www.victronenergy.com/live/battery_compatibility:pylontech_phantom
Charger tab
The cerboGX is correctly wired and configured. It have all the informations from the MPPT, the batteries and the multiplus.
Symptoms :
When the SOC is near 20/30% ans no sun to the horizon, i start the generator. MP2 switch to charger mode and the charging starts in bulk mode. Batteries voltage is near 49V at this moment. The charging is effective until the voltage reach 50V and MP2 switch to absorbtion. Charging continues and when the voltage reach near of 51V, MP2 switch to inverter mode and the charging stops. I can replug the generator, MP2 switch to bulk, then absorbtion, then inverter mode.
What i tried :
I tried to setup the AC IN conditional with :
- ACIN ON if SOC < 100%
- ACIN OFF if voltage reach 64V (It's a volunteer high value for testing)
I tried to use WEAK AC, UPS function, Dynamic Current limit, PowerAssist
I tried to reset the Cerbo and setting it from scratch
I tried to reset the MP2 and setting it from scratch
I tried to warm up batteries to 15°C/20°C to be sure that's not the problem.
The generator is perfectly functionnal
What i need :
Some new ideas :)
Does anybody knows if i can find the FULL logs of the MP2 ? Maybe i could find something in it. I don't know what for now but i can look deeper into it.