
davidwigley avatar image
davidwigley asked

Victron, how about supporting USB GPS NMEA-0183 devices on Cerbo GX and the VRM for Geofencing

OLD -> works now, just took a long time!

USB GPS NMEA-0183 devices are cheap and readily available.

Cerbo GX currently does not support that format when sending GPS data to the VRM (apparently it only supports NMEA 2000 signalling) despite happily displaying the data in Cerbo GX consul.

Victron, come on! its only formatting, The NMEA-0183 delivers the data to the Cerbo GX, how about you write a little bit of code to support the format/signalling change so that we can use it with the VRM for geofencing etc.... PLEASE....

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3 Answers
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

I'm not sure what you're looking for exactly, but once a GPS is connected (a USB type using NMEA0183 or via NMEA 2000) it should automatically show up on VRM.

You need to set up geofencing in VRM in order to be notified when the vehicle leaves the geofence or set up an alarm rule using LAT/LONG figures. Everything is there, you just have to use it.

ps. I recommend editing your post and deleting your email address to avoid spam later.


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davidwigley avatar image davidwigley commented ·


I have just checked and it is there now, that a delay of a few hours since installation!

I will check my post... many thanks...David

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bathnm avatar image
bathnm answered ·

NMEA0183 works fine. When my yacht navigation system are off the VenusOS/Cerbo uses one to give me position and VRM picks it up with no problems.

See section 2.5 of the manual

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davidwigley avatar image
davidwigley answered ·

Thanks, its all working now. For some reason it took hours to show up on the VRM for the first time!

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bathnm avatar image bathnm commented · what do you ave the VRM update rate set too. If it is hourly, then VRM will only get a position update every hour. Therefore the potential delay in update on VRM
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