
karavanlife avatar image
karavanlife asked

Victron toolkit cable calculator

Hello. There are a few issues that I am stuck with. I would be glad if you help.

1- Victron toolkit cable calculator. I bought an Oridon Dc-Dc charger and will position it about 5m away from the start battery. When entering the distance, will I enter 5 meters or will I enter 5 + 5 meters = 10 meters?

2- I need to use a maximum 16 mm2 cable. Do I have any problems when 3% voltage drop is 4%? Will I have any other problems, such as cable burning or voltage loss?

3- isolated and non-isolated? I bought the isolated one, but I can replace it. Since no cable is used for the return, will the non-isolated provide me a longer distance?

Since I don't know English, I wrote to you with translate. Sorry if there are any parts that are not clear.

Thank you.

orion dc-dc
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2 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

1 - enter 10M

2 - rule of thumb is max 3-4%, so as long as the cable isn't buried in thermal insulation, it's ok.

3 - You can use either. There has to be a return. You'll be using the vehicle body/chassis as return I guess if non isolated. If this resistance is low, then yes more distance/less voltage drop. And enter 5M in the calculator.

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karavanlife avatar image
karavanlife answered ·

Thank you @kevgermany

I bought the Lynx Distributor. I will connect my 1 x 100/30 solar charger, 1 x dc/dc charger, 12v dc fuse box and 100A lifepo4 battery. I will also buy 1 small capacity multiplus and add it to the system. If I'm not wrong, I already have to give the car body an exit from Lynx. For this reason, my choice of isolated dc/dc charger was already wrong.

Well, if I can't return the product, can I use the insulated charger to return from the vehicle body as if it were uninsulated?

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
Isolated will work fine like that, just like it does in my van.
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