
mswoboda avatar image
mswoboda asked

Fronius and Victron split phase

Is it possible to use a Fronius inverter with the 120V/240V split phase system?
And is it possible to run the Fronius on 60Hz?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter ChargerFroniussplit phase
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3 Answers
mswoboda avatar image
mswoboda answered ·

Ok, I wrote the question to fast. I found on the internet, that its possible to run a system with the Fronius Primo on the 120/240V splitphase on 60Hz.

Suppose I will build a 120/240V split phase system combining Fronius and quattros (mix of Grid-tie and Offgrid), does anyone have experience with it?

Thank you!

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shaneyake avatar image
shaneyake answered ·

You can.

You need the Victron inverters to generate the 120/240V and the Fronius run at 240V 60hz.
You only need a quattro if you want Generator and Grid, Multiplus-II works great if you only need one input.
You have use 2x 120V inverter or 1x 240V inverter with an autotransformer depending on your needs to make the split phase.

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mswoboda avatar image
mswoboda answered ·

Thanks, Shane.
Yes, I now the difference between Quattro and Multiplus.

As you know I am planing a system to run a wooden drychamber. We are thinking at the moment to start the project just with a feed-in system (only Fronius) and maybe later adding a Victron system. If I understood it right, we would need add later a small array with an MPPT, and we have to take care, the 1:1 rule regarding AC coupling vs. Inverter power.
The reason is just the money. The drychamber needs permanently 11kW. So we would need a lot of batteries. Furthermore the devices in the wooden workshop also need power. So we noticed that we would need 4x10kW quattros (split phase and parallel).
All together it is a lot of money at once...

Buliding intially a feed in system, and later swap to a Victron system is at the moment the solution we think about.

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shaneyake avatar image shaneyake commented ·

If you can run grid-tie only then a Fronius inverter is a great option.

Sounds like a good plan to me as long as you don't need Power backup.

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