
kp64zl avatar image
kp64zl asked

MPPT 100/20 stopped charging

Hello Viktron

It Seems like my MPPT100/20 has stopped charging my leisure battery in my campervan, so I am asking for some advice as what to do next.

The solar controller is new (installed early April 2019) and is running firmware version 1.39 (not updated since installation).

As you can see from the images below -- no charging of leisure battery for last 6 days, despite good output from the solar panels (two x 120 watts).

Battery only used very lightly (just for a 12v fridge) as I'm at home using the van as a daily driver --

On the controller itself there is a single blue flashing light (manuals states that this means 'not charging')

Any help most appreciated, thanks.

MPPT Controllers
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Paul B avatar image Paul B commented ·

First of all please upgrade the smart solar to F/W 1.41

and see if this fixes the issue and advise Thanks

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3 Answers
kp64zl avatar image
kp64zl answered ·

Dear @Paul B

Thank you for this -- I cannot seem to find this firmware in the downloads section nor the Victron Professional portal. Please could you point me in the right direction?


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JohnC avatar image JohnC ♦ commented ·

1.41 seems to have been withdrawn. 1.39 is now the latest.

Your info doesn't bob with anything obvious. Tried checking your wiring, ideally with a multimeter?

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kp64zl avatar image
kp64zl answered ·

OK - thanks @JohnC for the advice to check the wiring -- found a pretty clear problem in the external wire which clearly needs repairing


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kp64zl avatar image
kp64zl answered ·

BUT -- checking with multimeter there's no voltage drop across this

says 14.9 volts both before the cut wire (in the connector) and after it (at the controller) , whereas the app says 20.37 volts........

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