
richardc avatar image
richardc asked

Wiring question Orion DCDC charger.

Hi there, the Victron wiring diagram shows a lead going from the alternator, to the vehicle battery, then to the DCDC charger (all fused of course). Have seen a few install videos showing a direct line from the main to the DCDC.

Question, can I install this way - or do I need to have a wire running from the alternator as well?

wiringorion dc-dcalternator
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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

You can take the input directly from the battery. Make sure it's configured so that it only charges when the alternator charges.

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richardc avatar image richardc commented ·
Cheers Kev, many thanks
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Related Resources

Victron Wiring Unlimited PDF

Victron Wiring Unlimited Online

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Victron DC to DC Converters Product Range
