
norman-and-audrey-henderson avatar image
norman-and-audrey-henderson asked

VRM notifier problem before delay time

In the last few days I am receiving Email notifications from VRM Notifier for a site "PROBLEM: ... Grid alarm: grid lost" with, less than a minute later, "RECOVERY: ... Grid alarm changed from Grid lost to Grid OK". These are due to grid power failures, expected in our country, with a short delay before generator power cuts in.

The alarm settings for the site specify a 180 sec delay and this works, for example, yesterday there was a more extended outage and the VRM notifier message was different: "Alarm on (site) parameter input voltage phase 1" followed more than an hour later with "Alarm cleared on (site) parameter input voltage phase 1".

How can I suppress the PROBLEM / RECOVERY Emails for these brief grid outages?

Thanks very much for any help.

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
Which GX device is in your system?
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2 Answers
norman-and-audrey-henderson avatar image
norman-and-audrey-henderson answered ·

Thank you @kevgermany - the device is a Venus GX,

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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Sorry, at the moment there isn't a time delay on the alarm. If you want, you can disable it in settings/system setup/monitor for shore disconnect.

I'll pass this on as an enhancement suggestion, but I've no idea if it will be implemented.

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