
alan-w avatar image
alan-w asked

Multiplus ll overload


I have a 48v 8000va multiplus ll with a grid connection to AC In only, I have a CT connection on the grid side of the load. I can only achieve around 6500W from the multiplus any other demand is topped up by the grid. The multiplus is in my garage and ambient temperature is around 10deg


1. I have measured the load and it is 99% resistive so why do I only achieve 6500W from the multiplus and not closer to the 8000VA quoted

2. As soon as the grid tops up any load above 6500W I receive the L1 overload notification

I have read other post relating to L1 overload but none really answered my issue

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2 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

The inverter is rated to a maximum of 6400W at 25C. There are always conversion losses, nothing is lossless. Energy always is dissipated in other forms, heat etc.

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alan-w avatar image
alan-w answered ·

Thanks nickdb for your reply. I had read the output is reduced as temperature increases so at 10deg I would have expected a little more output and then maybe ramp back as the internal temperature increases. Clearly the multiplus is not in an overload condition as it is grid supported so why does this alarm get triggered. I don’t really want to inhibit this alarm.

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