I created a program (for Windows):
- to optimization 'Scheduled charging' at night (or in cheap electricity tariff) in such way than on day there is free place in battery for power from PV.
- to plan discharge battery to grid (preparation to sell electricity when the price is attractive)
Program is for people with:
- Victron system Victron (np: MultiPlus II) with Cerbo
- batteries
- cheap electricity tariff
- using ESS module in Cerbo and 'Scheduled charging' to charge batteries
More info: https://forum-info--ogrzewanie-pl.translate.goog/topic/42908-gbbvictronwin/?_x_tr_sl=pl&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp&fbclid=IwAR2ClSDUNspNjYc_nZW1PYCuBTtyJBDRcz2yLtQ5i79Xh_KEgbFVEHxN_2w