Scaling in the Consumed Amp Hours and State of Charge has suddenly defaulted to 600000000 ie 600 million increments (AH or %) and accordingly no trend line is able to be seen at that scale. All the other trend lines work perfectly eg temp, volts, amps.
The only thing that I have done (two days ago) was to switch the reading between temperature and volts for the battery (and that unfortunately as I understood because of the warning deleted my history) I then switched it back again to monitor temperature. This I assume resulted in sending the scaling way out. I have now reset the data twice more but to no effect. I have also deleted the app and reinstalled it but again, it achieved nothing. Also removed the negative lead to reset and restart the system but again no joy. At a loss as to what to investigate from here. I couldn't find anything in the database similar to this and hence the question.