
rns avatar image
rns asked

Design ev charger design

Hi victron,

I love your products but the desing of the EV charger is realy not something I want to hang on the wall of my house.

You have fantastic products and for most of them the design doesn't matter at all but for an EV wall charger this is important. Pleeeeaaasssse make a nice and fancy design for this.

ev charging station
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2 Answers
Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

A new design is coming

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rns avatar image
rns answered ·

Looking forward to the release. Any idea about the timing this new product will be released ?

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Maybe not what you want to hear, nor what answers your question, but there is a community guideline that clearly says please don't ask this question:

When will new product X, Y or Z be available?

Please do not ask the community when products, updates or approvals will be ready or available.

New products are announced at various shows and on the Victron blog website. This is done when the specifications are quite certain, but before there is a good indication around supply dates. Delays can occur. Victron Professionals can subscribe to our weekly newsletter which provides updates.

Check the price list on our website. For soon-coming-but-not-yet-in-available products, it lists an indicative release date. Once in the price list, you can place an order with your distributors, and then you will be among the first to receive the product when it starts shipping. Anything not listed in the price list yet is not progressed far enough for us to give out a date. So we will not comment on availability questions.

Approvals are often subject to testing and 3rd party organisations that operate on their own timeline.

Thanks for your interest and patience, we want to have these available too!

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