
Paul Carmichael avatar image
Paul Carmichael asked

AC input limit. Is there a way around the bug?

I have a Quattro 48/8000. I am off grid but have a secret cable going to another house for cloudy days. I have the input limit set to 12A, but regularly see it hitting over 4kW (230V). The cable will take it, but the source is a house I rent out and the house is limited to 5.5kW from the grid. This means that if I connect to the supply and the guests put the kettle/aircon on, the supply gets automatically cut off by the clever meter. Is there a plan to fix this? Or is there a workaround?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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4 Answers
tk-421 avatar image
tk-421 answered ·

Do you have the PowerAssist function enabled? If that's not enabled, the input current limit will only affect how much current is drawn for battery charging, it won't be able to do anything about load current that exceeds the configured limit.

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Paul Carmichael avatar image
Paul Carmichael answered ·

Thanks. I'll look tomorrow. I did recently do a firmware upgrade and had to start from scratch, so that may have changed. To be honest, the whole configuration thing has me baffled. For instance, if we have the mains connected on a bright sunny day, the solar power available seems to be ignored and all power comes from the mains. When that happens, I have to disconnect the mains to take advantage of the sunshine.

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
Sounds as if the system isn't properly configured. If you post the settings from the Quattro and the MPPTs, someone can help.
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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·
Grid priority over solar is the way the system is designed. ESS can change that but with a plug-in grid connection you can not use that.

You can use the virtual switch in the Quattro to ignore the AC input based on battery SOC (or other parameters). If you are using assistants, you would need to add additional assistants to do with the virtual switch does to ignore AC input.

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Paul Carmichael avatar image
Paul Carmichael answered ·

OK folks. I've made some changes and will monitor the situation for a few days. It looks like I should be able to just leave the supply connected as a backup, without having to keep switching it on and off.

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Paul Carmichael avatar image
Paul Carmichael answered ·

It seems choices have to be made. Today is overcast and raining. The mains is on and off like a yoyo and the batteries are discharging (at 45V/85%).

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