
bestexcursionstenerife avatar image
bestexcursionstenerife asked

Which Solar Controller?

Apologies if I am missing some key information here but unfortunately I am new to this and not entirely sure what information you need.

I just had an additional solar panel placed on the roof of the van giving:

1 x 120 Watts
1 x 160 Watts

I have 2 95 Ah GSM batteries

The company that fitted these took weeke, I mean like 6 weeks to do this and a few other things so I am reluctant to take it back. I also asked that they fit an MPPT controller because I intend to upgrade the batteries to LiPo at some point but the controller they for was a cheap Chinese import so I would like to change it.

What more information can I provide to help you help me decide which controller to buy please?

MPPT Controllers
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2 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

There's an online Victron calculator that does this. It will require quite a lot of information about the panels. You should be able to find it either on the panel labels, or manuals/online.

But... You have two different panels, any single controller will give sub optimal results, depending on how different the panels are from each other.

Key things here are max power voltage and currents. If the currents are close, go for a series setup. If the voltages are close, go for a parallel setup.

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bestexcursionstenerife avatar image
bestexcursionstenerife answered ·

So basically the installer that added a panel should have considered this.

I'm not impressed at all and need to get this right myself now.

I went to the page you went and I saw this:
Victron solar modules:
I have no idea what that means, forgive my ignorance. Is a solar module the solar controller?

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