
Craig Robinson avatar image
Craig Robinson asked

VRM Remote stopped working on colour control GX

Hi all wonder if any one can help I recently installed a Colour GX and set up on the VRM portal and all was great and working then I got a error message communication error and now can't access the remote from VRM but can when on local network, VRM is still connected and shows realtime updates see image but there is no data, also when I going device list its asking to delete each device and I am not sure why


vrm-main-page.png (133.1 KiB)
device-list.png (221.2 KiB)
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8 Answers
Craig Robinson avatar image
Craig Robinson answered ·

Thanks John the firmware is 1958142 trying to update to 1958209 but would not update I will take a screen shot of the error but this is a side issue for now (may need a new inverter)

on the images attached the VM portal says to delete the devices but I am not sure why and can't find any information on this, I can only assume that by deleting them they can be re-assigned to the portal after a full reboot of the GX and inverter then maybe the GX device will show online it must be connected to the internet as I am getting realtime issue must be on the device it self


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JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

@Craig Robinson

It's giving you the option to delete, your choice. I suspect something's corrupted, and I'd try again. Coupla little things.. Don't have the VE.Bus cable connected to the GX while you're updating the Multi (?), so nothing else can interfere. And that DVCC error is an incompatibility thing with all 19xx kit, so make sure DVCC is disabled on the GX. VEBus is a fairly complex protocol so no point guessing at what's wrong.

You could also try Redetecting the Multi from the GX, there's a screen there to do that. And a GX reboot.

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Craig Robinson avatar image
Craig Robinson answered ·

Thanks the setup is Pylontec batteries 4x US3000C, GX colour control, and Quattro 5K no solar and a 7KVA generator Colour control is controlling the generator on SOC, Load, and current Discharge of batteries, inverter virtual switch disabled and manually set charge absorption 52V float 51V charge current set to 60A so that the BMS has control of charging

I did not have the VE bus connected when trying the firmware update I suspect a new inverter required as this one is now acting a dumb charger with a fixed charge curve, this side is working fine

the main problem is this remote access suddenly going of 2 days ago

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Craig Robinson avatar image
Craig Robinson answered ·

Problem Solved you need to enable logging in the VRM Portal on the GX device to also enable remote control, then the delete devices disappears vrm-online-portal-settings.png

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Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

Its asking to delete the devices as the gx unit cant see them, check that you have the VE BUS connected correctly to the GX unit. IT MUST ONLY BE in the VE BUS connections.

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Craig Robinson avatar image
Craig Robinson answered ·

The Quattro the GX device is connected to via VE Bus is Avery old inverter with firmware 1958 which I can't update I tried via VEflash stance how it was working then suddenly not The GX device it self sees the Quattro them and all is fine locally even on local network but do keep getting the email error

GX Error #48 DVCC with incompatible firmware: Warning

This email is generated by Automatic Alarm Monitoring on the VRM Portal. More information:

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JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

@Craig Robinson

I think you may need to try to complete the firmware update. Not sure where you went wrong, but please be careful doing it. I'm suspicious with the "1958" you've quoted, because that's not a firmware number. The 19 suggests the older microprocessor, but we can't tell for sure from here..

The firmware files are available from Victron Professional (signin needed).

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Craig Robinson avatar image
Craig Robinson answered ·

Problem was the firmware files in dropbox where Zero KB download the firmware file from Victron Pro portal and this time the file size was 38KB which then worked, seem to be a problem with my dropbox sync

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