
mirriulah avatar image
mirriulah asked

How to wire panels to 150/100 controller

My friend has a solar array of 20 x 200w panels and they feed through a 150/100 controller with a 5000w Multiplus and a 750ah wet cell battery.

We live very remote and I would like to help him understand how the panels should be configured: should they just be series or series and parallel.

Can someone give advice on how best to utilise this panel array. Is the one controller adequate or should it be different and if so how.

solar sizing
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4 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

There's not enough information here to give a proper answer, sorry.

We need at least the panel specifications, battery voltage. But your friend is probably in the danger area of high panel voltage which requires professional advice for a safe installation.

There is an online Victron solar calculator which can answer some questions, but it will require some expertise to use.

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love2learn avatar image
love2learn answered ·

You will need to know the maximum battery charge current. Can it handle 100 amps? More? Less?

What nominal battery voltage are they running? 12v? 24v? 48v?

What are the panel specs?

Assuming, at that panel wattage, that they are 12v panels, they are probably around 24.3VoC and around 10amp imp. So the maximum panels in series is 6 for that MPPT.

If running a 12v system:

- The maximum wattage that MPPT can handle is 1450w.

- You could "over panel" the system at 1600 panel watts via 4 series, 2 parallel.

- You're still only able to use 8 of the 20 panels you mentioned.

If running a 48v system:

- The maximum wattage that MPPT can handle is 5800w.

- You could use all 20 panels if you did 4 strings of 5 panels in series. You would have to feed them into a combiner box and run some really thick 8AWG wire from the panel array to the MPPT.

Don't kill yourself handling 140v!

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
Running 6 panels in series with your calculations in a cold area is likely to blow the controller.
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taylortops avatar image
taylortops answered ·

Personally, I go with maximum voltage the MPPT can use. Depending on the Voc of the panel, I'd likely go with 4S x 5P, assuming a Voc of no more than 35V. The MPPT will limit the current accordingly but over-volts will put it into error. Just read the specs and do the maths.

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mswoboda avatar image
mswoboda answered ·

The answer is quite easy. Victron provides an Excel sheet:

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