
jason-henry avatar image
jason-henry asked

Quattro 48/5000 output hertz drop

I have a generator connected to the AC input 1 on the Quattro. It connects fine and the power switches over fine. However, when the generator is turned off the hertz on the Quattro Output 1 drop from 60hz to 45hz and then slowly over 10-15 seconds climb back up to 60hz. Any ideas on what may be causing this and a solution to fix it.

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1 Answer
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

If you switch off the generator it's voltage and frequency drops and the Quattro tries to follow the within it's grid settings before it disconnects the input.

e.g. there is an option "accept wide frequency range" 45-65Hz

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jason-henry avatar image jason-henry commented ·

I'll have to try turning that option off and see if it helps. Thanks.

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ jason-henry commented ·
@Jason Henry Some generators have a cool down period, you turn off the charging, but leave the engine running for a couple of minutes. This may be an alternative. You might need to enable UPS in the Quattro.
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